
The Legend of Thieves

Do you love the smell of your carpet and air ducts when we are cleaning them? That light cinnamon scent is Young Living Thieves Cleaner, a plant-based cleaner made from a blend of pure essential oils including cinnamon, cloves, eucalyptus, rosemary and lemon – and there is a story behind it!

Legend has it that a band of four 15th century French thieves would cover themselves in this special combination of essential oils to protect themselves while they stole from from both the living and the dead who suffered from the Black Plague. They never caught the plague, but soon their crimes caught up with them and they were arrested. Authorities were intrigued. Why had none of the four thieves fallen ill? The only explanation had to be the special formula worn by the thieves!

The authorities struck a deal of mercy on the condition that the thieves shared the ingredients in their secret formula.

We don’t claim that our carpet and air duct cleaning ingredients are going to protect you from illness but we do believe it contains some very powerful antibacterial qualities to sanitize your home while also cleaning it and giving you a little aromatherapy at the same time! It’s eco-friendly formula and safety for people and pets also makes it tops in our book!

Other ways you might enjoy using Thieves Cleaner is by diluting it into a spray bottle to clean countertops, sinks, toilets, showers and appliances in your bathroom, kitchen, and laundry room. We like to keep a bottle in our camper as well!

Drops of Young Living Thieves Oil can be dispensed into a diffuser to make a room smell nice and to fight germs. It can be rubbed on the feet to help boost the immune system.

Have you experienced our carpet and duct cleaning with Young Living Thieves Cleaner yet? Tell us how you liked it!
