
August Special!

Sometimes it really is what you can’t see that makes all the difference. We are helping St. Cloud’s Promise Neighborhood http://www.pncentralmn.com with a much different kind of back-to-school collection this year. We want as many children as possible head back to school not only with new pencils, markers, crayons, and notebooks, but also with brand new socks and underwear. It’s such a simple thing. Many of us take it for granted – but for those who don’t have good socks and underwear it is a big deal. So let’s do this!

From August 1 -31 we are offering a skivvies special! Give your technician a new pair of socks or underwear when they are cleaning your windows, carpet, or ducts and your bill will be deducted by $2.00 per pair! Don’t need the services but still want to donate? Let us know and will work something out!

Here’s the DEAL:

Save UP TO $50 on air duct cleaning by donating 25 pairs of socks or underwear.

Save UP TO $30 on carpet cleaning by donating up to 15 pairs of socks or underwear.

Save UP TO $20 on window cleaning by donating up to 10 pairs of socks or underwear.

This week (Aug. 1) you can get a 14 pack of socks on sale at Target for $9.59 – so that’s big savings. You might even want to buy a bunch so you can throw some extras in just for fun!

All of your donations are guaranteed to stay local! The Promise Neighborhood will distribute all of the socks and underwear we collect to families in need who live in the St. Cloud area whose children are heading back to schools located within District 742.

Book your window, carpet, and/or air duct cleaning with us in August. You’ll beat the rush, save money, support a good cause, and give a kid a reason to smile. Call us today to schedule your appointment! 320-240-7994