
Experiencing sudden allergies in your new home?

If you are experiencing sudden allergies in your new home, it could be that the previous owners had a furry pet. Pet dander is microscopic and the allergens in it remain strong for an extremely long time, so people can still experience an allergic reaction even after the pet has left the home. Dander clings to furniture, walls and other surfaces. It also gets into the air ducts, where it is blown throughout the home whenever your furnace or air conditioner kicks on. Four Seasons can help you fight pet dander and breath easier with a thorough air duct, carpet and upholstery cleaning.

Are all cleaners created equally?


Are all household cleaners created equally? There are a number of reasons we choose Thieves Household Cleaner. This plant-based solution contains pure Young Living essential cinnamon, clove, eucalyptus, rosemary, and lemon oils. The antibacterial properties of some of the oils contained in this blend were studied in a report published by the Scientific Planet Society Journal. Their findings reflect evidence that essential oils, particularly cinnamon oil, are more effective against fighting the growth of bacterial strains than their man-made competitors.

Air Ducts are the Lungs of your Home

If you made a commitment to a healthier lifestyle in 2020 don’t forget to reassess your environment. Your air ducts are the lungs of your home. Make sure they aren’t full of dust, mildew, decaying food, rodent droppings, vermiculite or other toxic contaminants you and your family shouldn’t breathe. Four Seasons offers a comprehensive cleaning at a reasonable price. Your home air ducts should be cleaned every three to five years. Is it time for a checkup on those lungs? Four Seasons is just what the doctor ordered! Call us to schedule your homes exam today! 320-240-7994.